Contributor: Luba M., Moscow, Gerontology Research Centre
Origin/Afiliation: senior research fellow
laboratory of age-related metabolic and endocrine diseases
Russian gerontology research centre
The world is aging, and we still do not know all the correct approaches to treating older patients.
Geriatrics is a very young specialty in Russia, being studied for less than 8 years.
I, being geriatric endocrinologist myself, find it very inspiring to talk with my colleagues, who chose geriatrics as their first specialty. It helps to bring new feelings in our daily routine and gives a new portion of motivation.
I talked to young and mid-career geriatricians, who as for me, are the most representative group in this field, because they still have a long road ahead.
We talked on wards, in resting rooms, during lunch, and over a nice cup of coffee right in the hospital’s garden. Despite being of quite of a different age (from 23 to 36) and stage (from trainee to head of geriatric department) it seemed, that most of us have the same point of view.
Talking about coming to geriatrics all my respondents mentioned, that the main my reason was a clear thought that older patients do need a special approach, which is unfortunately not always applied to them in hospitals and clinics.
Older patients admire most of the doctors – and it is a true motivation to come to work every morning- it is with their willingness to live life to the fullest, while maintaining their enthusiasm, positive attitude and setting life goals.
Patients, who remain energetic, cheerful, able to amaze and being amazed are a true gem and the answer to the main question – why I am still working in this field despite all the difficulties.
At the end of our talks I got some very surprising ideas about what does older age mean. Smiling with their eyes, my friends told me, that older age is a time to live for yourself, it is a second youth and golden autumn at the same time, where one can relax and enjoy this fruitful period.
Aging is what we all do – so let’s make it better way, shall we?
By Luba M., Moscow, Gerontology Research Centre
Photo by MART PRODUCTION from Pexels